when you know you’re sacredness embodied.

really, it started with peace corps, circa 2017, manzini market, eSwatini

really, it started with peace corps, circa 2017, manzini market, eSwatini

on my 28th trip around the sun, i said fuck it, and went vegan. really, at the time, it wasn’t about the chickens, and the bees. really, i just wanted to challenge myself. i had been learning that, one of the many ways to awaken our connection to infinite source was through alkaline foods. so i thought why not? i figured first i’d focus on simply not eating meat, dairy, and honey. tho i felt the best i had ever felt in my adulthood, that alone wasn’t fulfilling. so i challenged myself some more:

to eat more intuitively.

to innerstand that avoiding meat, and dairy doesn’t equate to vitality.

to prioritize nourishment over fleeting indulgence.

to exercise balance not resistance.

to recognize when my body needs refueling of one nutrient versus the other.

to not shame her.

to let her manifest in whichever form, with curves, or edges.

to eat with all my senses.

to attune to the energies each food sets in motion.

to see opportunity in this vessel - the healthier she is, the further she’ll carry on.

to learn what parts of me this fruit, or that vegetable connect with.

to know what nutrients they carry.

to express gratitude over my food before enjoying it.

to cellf-study.

to cook without recipe.

to realize that a well-functioning digestive system is really sexy.

to differentiate between product and produce.

to learn to juice.

to study herbalism.

to remember that cellf-love is freedom.

ultimately, for me it meant maintaining a mostly plant-based lifestyle. won’t nothing keep an island gyal from seafood, anyways. at least not this one. whensoever comes the desire for some hot cheetos, or some baked goods, some crab legs, or some griot from home, i indulge wholeheartedly. thanking the universe for the experience; and the thriving digestive system, ginger shots, and cascara sagrada tea that are supporting me in having it.

one divinity that i’m appreciating more and more about my body is how communicative she is. or rather, has always been. if i’ve consumed anything not too constructive to living my best life, she expresses it. if i’m outta balance, she lets it known. through body odor, dry hair, emotions, stagnation and acne. she don’t ever hold nun back. remember, all of our organs are a working unit, continuously interconnecting and exchanging energy. ultimately, our skin and hair are expressions of what’s within. and for many of us, our skin and hair are a lot louder than we’d like ‘em to be. but are you listening? what are your cells trying to tell you?

manzini market, eswatini circa 2018.

manzini market, eswatini circa 2018.

may more peace and blessings find you always, and in all ways,

nuru, your reflection

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